Travel for your Health



Now everyone in the travel industry loves to give you reasons why you should definitely travel, and I am sure they are all great ones, but nothing can be more irrefutable than the need to travel to stay healthy. Yes, you heard me right, studies have been done, charts have been assemble and data has been gathered and leading experts in the medical field have concluded that traveling is not only fun but it is incredibly good for you. Here’s what one is being reported:

‘”If you want to be healthier, take more vacations and live near a large park, according to two separate studies. Vacations are linked to decreased risks of heart attack and depression and even promote brain health, says a study from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies with the Global Commission on Aging and U.S. Travel Association.”‘

This story originally appeared on Fortune

So if you think that getting away for that holiday in the sun is a luxury, think again, it is a necessity. We do tons of things we don’t really want to do to make sure we stay healthy: exercise, eat tons of vegetables, go to bed when we don’t want to, skip the second glass of wine, so why not do something that is completely enjoyable and will keep you healthy?

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Caipirinha (kai-pir-in-ya)


So if you are a lover of our blog you may recognize this drink because we have featured it before, but this article is pretty cool about the history of Brazil’s Caipirinha. Shout out to Travel Planner Brittany for sending me this cool article that I can share with all of our followers. Happy thirsty Thursday everyone, check out this article and let the flavors of Brazil inspire your next destination!


Intersted in trying this beloved cocktail? Want to know more about Brazil? It’s time to call us here at Ambassador Travel Ltd.


Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777|


Fall Getaway

Good afternoon and welcome to Where in the World Wednesday. Today’s blog feature is going to be a place close to home, perfect for a weekend getaway this fall. As you all know we love drone videos here at Ambassador Travel so while I was scanning the website I normally use to find them I thought, I wonder what is close to Oshkosh and of course there are some great Door County videos. Most of us have been to Door County, but it is even more perfect come fall. Do a wine tour, take a trolly from winery to winery, take a brewery tour, see the fall colors changing, get outside and explore. There really is something for everyone. Whether you need a relaxing couples weekend, fun filled family trip or something in between, Door County is a great way to spend a weekend this fall. Take a look at this vide of Washington Island!

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Who Needs Sleep?


Happy Tuesday, trivia lovers. Have you ever wondered about sleeping patterns of other mammals? Us humans are supposed to get about 7 hours of sleep (as adults), not that we always do. But how do other members of our mammal species sleep? Let’s find out.

Do you know which mammal generally sleeps upright and sometimes only snoozes for around 20 minutes a day?

If you guessed Giraffe then you are spot on! That’s right these tall creatures sleep anywhere from about 20 minutes to 2 hours a day. They have adjusted over time and adapted to their environment. Giraffe’s although cute, are prey to many animals living in their same environment. Because of this they generally do not lie down to sleep because getting back up takes awhile on those long wobbly legs. When they sleep the do so in short naps of about 5-10 minutes at a time. Can you imagine sleeping standing up for 5-10 minutes a few times a day? Sounds awful right? Well it works for the Giraffe! You can witness this at Giraffe sanctuaries all over the world. For more information please contact us today!


Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |


One of the greatest parts about working in the travel industry is getting to help make memories that last a lifetime. Because Mondays are Makin’ Memories Monday here on our blog we wanted to show you how you can share your memories with us after your vacation. Of course you can always email or call us after you return from a trip, but we have other options as well. If you go to our website there are several ways you can submit a testimonial. Plus once you send them to us we may put them on our website or right here on the blog! So here is how you can submit a testimonial to us!

First you can view our testimonial page by clicking on the image in our scrolling banner. Here you will see other testimonials and if you scroll to the bottom a link is provided for you to share with us your own testimonials! Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 1.05.27 PM.png

The second options is if you hover over our “about” section on our main menu of the website a drop down menu will appear that says “testimonials” this will again bring you to our Testimonial Page where you can scroll to the bottom to submit your own. Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 1.06.35 PM.png

The last option is by hovering over our “Resources” tab on our main menu. The drop down menu will appear and an option to “submit testimonial” will come up. This is the page where you can let us know how the trip went, how our service was and anything else you want to share with us!

We love hearing from you so if you have a testimonial you want to share with us, please follow one of these options! Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 1.07.32 PM.png


TGIDD, Thank God It’s Drone Day! Today I am sharing with you all a video of one of my all time favorite cities, Paris. Now this week I have sort of a challenge for you all. First when you think of travel, where does your mind wander to? Do you have a specific location where you picture yourself on vacation or is it different every time? For me it is Paris, it is sort of like when people tell you to picture your happy place, mine is me in Paris wandering the cobblestone streets, sipping a latte at a cafe, the whole cliched Paris dream. Now my second question for you is– when is Paris more beautiful, during the day or at night? Because I honestly can’t decide. Check out the drone video below to see for yourself!

Ready to be wherever you are picturing yourself? Then it’s time to contact us here at Ambassador Travel!

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Fall Beverages

beer-tray-GettyImages-495339539.jpgSo I woke up this morning thinking about what sort of fall beverage I wanted to feature on our Thirsty Thursday first day of fall post. The original thought was Pumpkin Spice Latte, but I knew I could do better than that, so I decided to turn to my best friend, Google. After doing a little research I found an article that you are all going to love, “8 Rare Beers Around  the World to Drink this Fall”. And although this article would be great on its own, it features a Wisconsin favorite, so that meant I definitely needed to share it with you guys. So now that fall is here you have plenty of time to try out all of these beers.

Have you ever tried any of these beers? Share with us in the comments or on our Facebook page! Ready to try some out yourself? Call us today!

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Upcoming Events

At Ambassador Travel there is always something going on. I though I would do a little extra promoting of two fun filled nights happening in the next week. If you are looking to come meet some of our staff, learn a little bit about a few upcoming group trips or learn more about two great companies we work with, then you are going to want to come on by!

The first is our cruise event happening this Thursday, September 22nd at 6:30pm. We are having a wine and cheese menu and presentation from Norwegian Cruise line. This is a night to promote our Summer 2017 Alaskan Cruise group, but if you are interested in learning more about cruising or Norwegian Cruise line this will also be a great night to do so. Our cruise queen Liz is putting on this event, so you know it will be a fun filled night. See details in image below! Cruise night!  copy.jpg

The second event is our Contiki Mixer happening next Thursday September 29th at O’Marros Public House at 6:00pm. Contiki is a tour company that caters to the 18-35 year old travelers. So that means if you fall in this age range or you want to give the gift of travel to your favorite 18-35 year old then you aren’t going to want to miss this fun filled evening. Plus our Contiki rep Angela will be here to talk about Contiki as a company as well as our May 2017 Ireland group trip!

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For more information about either of these events make sure to give us a call, we hope to see you all there!

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Locate that Monument

It’s Travel Trivia Tuesday, welcome to our blog! We are going to have a little fun today by playing a little matching game to see if you know the names of these 10 famous monuments from around the world! Tell us how you did at the end and how many you’ve been to by commenting below or on our Facebook page! I personally have been to 5 of the 10, can you guess which ones?

1.                                                             2.

The-Eiffel-Tower-paris-2393939-1920-2560-600x800.jpg   58657270.133_3307.jpg

3.                                                              4.

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5.                                                                        6.

25-Most-Famous-Landmarks-From-Around-The-World-1.jpg   Giza-Pyramids1-600x450.jpg

7.                                                                         8.

brandenburg-gate.jpg  stonehenge-sunrise.jpeg

9.                                                                          10.

o-LA-SAGRADA-FAMILIA-570.jpg   parent_522_4508.jpg;width=700;height=500.jpeg

Word Bank:

A. Brandenburger Tor (gate)
B. Stonehenge
C. St. Basil’s Cathedral
D. La Sagrada Familia
E. Christ the Redeemer
F. the Eiffel Tower
G. Big Ben
H. the Taj Mahal
I. the Pyramids of Giza
J. the Gold Gate Bridge

Scroll down now to see if you got the answers right


  1. F Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)
  2. C St. Basil’s Cathedral (Moscow, Russia)
  3. E Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  4. G Big Ben (London, England)
  5. J. the Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, USA)
  6. I. Pyramids of Giza (Giza, Egypt)
  7. A. Brandenburger Tor (Berlin, Germany)
  8. B. Stonehenge (Amesbury, England)
  9. D. La Sagrada Familia (Barcelona, Spain)
  10. the Taj Mahal (Agra, India)


Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |

Magical Monday

Good afternoon everyone. The weekend has now come to an end, time to make this week the best one yet. And what is better than spending it planning your next magical vacation. Here at Ambassador Travel we focus on giving you the experience you are looking for. Aside from providing excellent service we also like to keep all of you up to date on what’s happening at your favorite destinations, like Disney. Because we love Disney so much we like to keep you all in the know on what is happen on all Disney fronts. Did you know we have a Disney page on our website that we keep up to date on the latest Disney happenings? That’s right, if you are looking for a special event, promotion or just the latests news on Disney, we’ll have it for you right here on our Disney tab.

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Make sure to keep checking back to find out about everything going on at Disney World, Disneyland, Adventures by Disney, Disney Cruise Lines, as well as Aulani Hawaii! Give us a call and ask to speak to our Disney Guru who will make this trip of a lifetime (or maybe annual visit) everything you are looking for.

Ambassador Travel Ltd. | 920.236.7777 |